Work as an independent agent to sell
PremiumVIN to your contacts
Receive a generous 30% referral commission for all sales generated
Receive training and support from Premium VIN to effectively sell our product to your contacts.
Gain access to our Partnership Portal to submit leads and track the status of your submissions.
180 day cookie window meaning customers can convert six months later and you can still earn a commission. Work independently and earn stable monthly income.
Earn PremiumVIN Implementation and customization services revenue.
Do joint marketing activities such as co-marketing emails and webinars.
Join our Global automotive affiliate program
The best Premium Vehicle Report services
50 + affiliates
worldwide conducting
business with us
(America, Europe, Asia
and Africa)
20+ Countries with
partners on ground
tailored for business
support and setup
500000+ Premium
vehicle reports
generated for
18% re-order rate
from customers
Why choose PremiumVin?
Commission based payouts. The more you sell, the more you get paid.
Variety of promotions and incentives for customer acquisition & retention.
Choose when you want to get paid! Instead of waiting for your payout, decide on a custom payout period that suits your needs.
3 steps to success
Key advantages of working with PremiumVin
Desirable commission rate
Variety of tools for success
60-day referral guarantee
(if someone clicks on your link,
the sale will be considered yours)