Discover your specs and all historical records on your vehicle using our FREE VIN Decoder
Free VIN Decoder

Don't buy a lemon 🍋. Always check a PREMIUM VIN Decoder report before your purchase.
Discover Accident History
Uncover mileage discrepancies
Recover photos
View past service records
Verify Stolen database
Safety and Recall information
Full Vehicle Specs
Market analysis of similar vehicle
20+ Database checks including other useful information
How to run a Premium VIN Decoder Report?

Get invaluable data at your fingertips
Uncover photos, police records, damage records and so much more
Premium VIN prides itself on being the leader providing vehicle history reports that show up to date historical data of any used vehicle.
Enter your VIN, It's free

A VIN number is a 17-character alphanumeric code which is also referred to as the chassis number or serial number. The code is unique for each car and is used to save vital information related to that specific vehicle. Premium VIN Decoder reveals information related to the make of the vehicle, year of manufacturing, engine, transmission, fuel, add-on features, and the plant where the car was manufactured. The information in the VIN Decoder report encompasses important details that can be useful for the used car buyers to make up their minds.
Premium VIN Decoder is a simple tool with a easy 3 step process to get the most up-to-date information on your vehicle. All you have to do is:
- Get you 17 digit VIN number from your vehicle or from the title/insurance papers.
- Submit your VIN and get a pre-check analysis of your report. This will include free information on your vehicle such as Make, year, model, basic specs, etc.
- Get a full Vehicle History Report report and uncover the latest information on your vehicle from over 20+ databases such as the Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV), The National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS), Insurance databases, Police databases, Auction databases, and much more!
A Vehicle History Report contain up to date information to the second from state & federal databases about the vehicle’s complete history. Simply enter the VIN number of any car, truck, trailer, motorcycle, classic cars, RV, motor home to obtain the complete history and specifications. Our comprehensive Vehicle History Report is used by customers around the world including the largest dealers & auctions in North America.
Premium VIN Decoder is an unbiased report that reveals the overall information about any vehicle’s background. You can check various information about any vehicle such as vehicle registration specifications, recall information, loan history of the vehicle, mileage records, how old the vehicle is, the number of previous owners, accident or auction records. This way, you get to know all the necessary details about the vehicle you are planning to buy or sell. Simply provide the vehicles VIN number in order to pull up an instant detailed vehicle report on any car, truck, trailer, classic cars, RV, motor home or motorcycle.
Premium VIN Decoder is a tool that will enable you to know how the car has been taken care of by the vehicle’s previous owners. Details about insurance claims, accident records, loan & liens, police reports, service records or manufacturer recalls will come up in the search. Each report will check the following:
- Vehicle history and information
- Ownership history
- Previous odometer readings
- Maintenance and repair records
- Previous sales history
- Accident or flood damage
- Recalls
- Salvage check
- Structural damage
Run a Vehicle History Report today and get the complete history report on any vehicle instantly
A Premium VIN Decoder can help you avoid scams and ensure your vehicle is in good shape. It is useful when selling a vehicle as data shows 35% off sellers providing a history report get their asking price and sell their vehicles faster. When buying a used car, always run a Premium report when dealing with a private seller or dealer to ensure you know what the vehicle has been through. Enter your VIN and get up to date information by running a Premium Report today. Here are 4 red flags that we’ve highlighted that come up as costly mistakes if a vehicle hasn’t thoroughly been checked.
– Has the car previously been written off? All this means is that it was decided that the repairs off the car would cost more than what the vehicle is worth. If a car has been written off or issued a salvage title, there’s a good chance it has some invisible damage or shoddy repairs that should be verified. Many of these vehicles are exported to overseas markets.
– Is the car still under finance? If the car is still under finance, the seller should warn the buyer. If you have only found out through the history report, contact the seller immediately to get proof that the vehicle has been paid off. We have seen numerous cases where customers purchase a vehicle with a loan/lien only to have it reclaimed by the financial lender even if the previous owner had the debt under their name, costing the customer thousands of dollars.
– Has the odometer been rolled back? This is one of the easiest ways to see if the seller is trying to rip you off. If our vehicle report shows inconsistencies with the mileage, then it would be in your best interest to walk away from the transaction.
– Is it poorly maintained? If the car has a very poor history, then its a long way from good as new and will likely not be as reliable as other options out there. Always have options and purchase the additional report package to run several vehicles and choose the one that has the most reliable history.
Being the most advanced and comprehensive used car, truck and motorcycle Vehicle History Report, Vehicles Report accesses the most up to date record available on the vehicle from federal and state databases. If you are planning to buy or sell a used vehicle, you need to be well-informed about its background, and this is where Vehicles Report can help. It provides an unbiased vehicle history report and gives information about the vehicles past. Vehicles Report takes any vehicle’s VIN number to generate a comprehensive report for that vehicle. The report contains various information about the vehicle such as registration details, vehicle specifications, vehicle recalls, accidents, loans & liens and many other important points.