How To Remove The Dealer Sticker From The Car Rear Window?

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Wow! You just came home from the dealership after buying your dream car. However, there is one eye sore that you just can’t avoid. You want to remove the dreaded dealer sticker stuck on the car rear window. So, how to remove the dealer sticker from the car rear window? 

In the following steps, I will show you the best ways on how to remove the dealer sticker from the car rear window effectively and quickly.

Can You Ask The Dealer To Remove The Sticker?

Are you wondering, can you ask the dealer about how to remove the dealer sticker from the car rear window?

The first step to avoid this issue on how to remove the dealer sticker from the car rear window is to have the dealership remove it for you. Unfortunately though, oftentimes the dealership will say we are unable to remove the sticker because it came from the factory, which is a lie.

Dealerships can be very sneaky as you know. So why do they add their logos to the vehicles in the first place? The dealerships want us to drive around our sweet rides while marketing their dealerships with free advertising from the sticker.

In the excitement that comes with buying a car, it is very easy to overlook the sticker until you are at home with your vehicle. Can you ask the dealership to remove the sticker? Sure, they can find time to remove the dealer sticker from the car.

If the dealership can remove it, then that is your first and easiest way to remove the dealer sticker from the car. You can actually demand the dealership to remove their sticker before you sign and drive off from the dealership.

Let them deal with the hassle and annoyance of taking the time to remove the dealer sticker from the rear glass window.

How To Remove the Dealer Sticker From the Car

Now, you made it home with your lovely car and you are itching to remove that ugly dealer sticker from your rear car window. There are a few materials that you will need no matter which method you decide to use.

Here is a list of different methods that you can use to remove the dealer sticker. Please note that it is very important to clean the surface of the dealer sticker on the rear glass window before attempting any of the methods listed below.

Even a little bit of dirt, dust, or contamination can scratch the glass surface. On the contrary, you must never use dish soap as it can destroy the protective finish. There are special car wash formulas that do the job very well. Here are some best ways to remove dealer sticker from car.

How To Remove The Dealer Sticker From The Car Without Heat?

Method 1: Window Cleaner

Do you have a window/glass cleaner at your house? I am sure that you have it around somewhere, probably under your sink or with your other cleaning items. This method is to use the classic window/glass cleaner sprays to assist to remove the dealer sticker.

Window cleaner

The first step is to wipe down the sticker with a cloth to remove any dirt or debris. Then, spray the window cleaner directly onto the dealer sticker and allow the liquid to soak into the adhesive residue.

Afterward, feel free to use a cloth to rub it with firm pressure. Alternatively, you can also use the edge of an old credit card to peel it off the window. This works better than a sharp razor blade because a razor blade could leave scratches or marks. Do your best to peel it off the window.

Method 2: WD-40

If the window cleaner didn’t work or you want to try something different, feel free to try WD-40. Most home garages today have a can of WD-40 hiding somewhere in the back corner.

First, clean the dealer sticker with soap to remove any dirt or residue. Second, apply WD-40 to the sticker for 5-10 minutes while allowing the dealer sticker to soak. Then third, use a damp cloth to wipe it away. You may need to repeat this a couple of times on the stickier areas. Then finally use a microfiber towel over and buff the glass for a shiny overall finish.

Method 3: Rubbing Alcohol

Another simple method to remove the dealer sticker from the rear glass window is to use rubbing alcohol. This is also known as isopropyl and you’ll just need to apply the rubbing alcohol and leave it to dry.

Once this is done you should be able to peel the sticker away with your fingernail. Afterward, feel free to use the edge of a clean bank card to make sure that it’s all removed.

Method 4: Ice

Another quick and easy way to remove the dealer sticker without heat is to freeze the sticker adhesive with ice. This will make it lose its grip and it will become very easy to remove the dealer window sticker. Ice cubes in a bag or an ice pack held against the sticker for a few minutes should do the trick.

After a short while, the adhesive will be frozen, and using the edge of a clean bank card you should be able to peel the edge of the sticker off, enough to get a grip on it and then remove it completely.
Prefer to use heat, here is the method on how to remove the dealer sticker from the car with heat.

Using Hair Dryer Heat

This method is also another quick and easy way to remove the dealer sticker from the car.

Use hair dryer

The first step is to clean the sticker with soapy water or alcohol spray.

The second step, after the area is dry, is to turn on the hair dryer to its highest setting.

Next, use the hair dryer to heat up the sticker. The sticker adhesive will slowly start to soften up. Then you can use your fingernail or old bank card to peel it off without the risk of scratching or marking your vehicle.

Another quick and easy way to remove the dealer sticker without heat is to freeze the sticker adhesive with ice. This will make it lose its grip and it will become very easy to remove the dealer sticker from the car. Ice cubes in a bag or an ice pack held against the sticker for a few minutes should do the trick.

After a short while, the adhesive will be frozen and using the edge of a clean bank card you should be able to peel the edge of the sticker off enough to get a grip on it and then remove it completely.

Overall, no matter what you choose, the goal is to remove the sticker without damaging your car. There is no best way to remove the dealer sticker from the car. The last tip is to take your time while peeling off the sticker. When the dealer sticker feels warm and loose, you can start to peel.

If you are lucky, the dealer sticker will pop off nicely once it is soft and warm enough. The longer the dealer sticker has been on the car, the harder it will be to remove the dealer sticker because the sun has baked it over time onto the vehicle.

I am sure you know what I am talking about. We have all seen cars with old stickers on them. After a while, the sticker is nearly impossible to remove cleanly.

Final Words

It is very important to make a final note here to clean and protect the new open area where there was once a dealer sticker. Once the dealer sticker is removed, you can clean up the overall surface.

While you are at it, just clean and wax the entire car so that it looks beautiful and well cared for. All of your family, friends, and neighbors will be in awe of your amazing and shiny new vehicle, dealer sticker free.

Good luck when starting your journey on how to remove the dealer sticker from the car’s rear window on your next vehicle purchase.

Picture of Adewale Peter
Adewale Peter
Peter, a versatile writer specializing in automotive content, has thrived as Premium VIN's brand journalist. With over 8 years of experience, he has excelled in creating engaging, reader-centric content, including book formatting and making slides. He is very passionate about researching and curating inspiring and informative blogs and articles. He enjoys meeting individuals who have what it takes to challenge him to continuously improve and give his best.

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