What is a Maintenance Service Interval? | Complete Vehicle Guide

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  • Sign Up and create an account with Premium VIN.
  • Once your account has been created, Sign in to your account.
  • On your dashboard, select “Tools.”
  • Next, click on “Tools.”
  • You will be provided a form to fill out. Enter the VIN of the vehicle of interest and the correct odometer reading.
  • You will instantly be provided with the car maintenance schedule by mileage/time, including the services and upcoming issues assigned by the vehicle. 

The OEM maintenance schedule Premium VIN provides for cars is vital in ensuring your vehicle’s performance, safety, and longevity. Combining mileage and time-based maintenance offers a comprehensive approach to car care. Adhere to this schedule to enjoy trouble-free driving and protect your warranty coverage.

Picture of Adewale Peter

Adewale Peter

Peter, a versatile writer specializing in automotive content, has thrived as Premium VIN's brand journalist. With over 8 years of experience, he has excelled in creating engaging, reader-centric content, including book formatting and making slides. He is very passionate about researching and curating inspiring and informative blogs and articles. He enjoys meeting individuals who have what it takes to challenge him to continuously improve and give his best.

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